
Former Boston Red Sox Player Manny Ramirez Arrested for Assault & Battery

Manny Ramirez, formerly outfielder for the Boston Red Sox, was arrested this morning at his home Florida home on Domestic Violence Charges agains his wife, Juliana Ramirez. He was expected to be arraigned this morning charges of Assault & Battery.

According to the police, Juliana Ramirez alleged that Manny Ramirez hit her with an open hand with enough force to cause her head to hit the headboard of the bed. Police also reported observing visible injuries on Ms. Ramirez’ face, noting that it was red and swollen, and also had a bump on the back of her head.

The former Boston Red Sox player denied the allegations.

Assault & Battery in Massachusetts carries a potential penalty of up to 2.5 years in the House of Corrections. In order to be convicted of Assault & Battery, the prosecutor has the burden of proving, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the accused intentionally committed a touching, however slight; that the touching was harmful or offensive; and was committed without justification or excuse.

In many Domestic Violence Cases in Massachusetts, alleged victims of these crimes may also seek to obtain Restraining Orders against the person they claim assaulted them. Restraining Orders are often issued by a judge in the Massachusetts District Courts or the Family Court.

With regard to the issuance of an Emergency Restraining Order, the standard is relatively low, and in many cases, is too easily issued upon the application of the person seeking it. Once an emergency Restraining Order is issued, the defendant would be served but would then be afforded a hearing in order to contest the order, typically 14-15 days following its issuance.

Once a Restraining Order is issued, there could also be many collateral consequences. For example, the order prohibit the person from returning to his/her home; from seeing his/her children; or even include an order to pay temporary child support.

Additionally, if a person violated the terms of a Restraining Order, he/she could also be charged with the additional crime of Violation of Abuse Prevention Order, which carries a penalty of up to 2.5 years in the House of Corrections.

Boston Criminal Lawyer Lefteris K. Travayiakis is available 24/7 for consultation on all Massachusetts Domestic Violence Crimes, including Assault & Battery.

To schedule a Free Consultation, Click Here to Contact a Boston Criminal Lawyer or call 617-325-9500.

Attorney Lefteris K. Travayiakis may also be reached at

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