
Wakefield Bank Robbed: Cross-Dressing Criminal Suspected

Wakefield Police have aggressively engaged in a criminal investigation for a man who dressed in women’s clothing and robbed the Savings Bank this past Friday in Wakefield, Massachusetts. Police also believe that this suspect was involved in an earlier bank robbery this past Wednesday at Eastern Bank in Wakefield.

In both bank robberies, police report that the suspect was disguised in women’s attire, including sunglasses, a woman’s scarf, handbag, earrings and red lipstick. In each instance, reports suggest that the bank robber escaped on foot.

Boston Criminal Attorney Lefteris K. Travayiakis’ thoughts:

Even if someone is criminally charged in connection with these bank robberies, the police and prosecutors will have a difficult time in building a strong case against him/her. Without strong identifying evidence linking that defendant with these crimes, it will be hard for the prosecution to prove identity of the defendant as the perpetrator.

In many cases of this nature, identification of the defendant is not that easy for the prosecutor to prove, as it must, beyond a reasonable doubt. Without evidence such as a getaway vehicle linked to that defendant or forensic evidence found at the scene (i.e., fingerprints, DNA), establishing a connection with the person criminal charged will definitely be an issue raised by his criminal defense lawyer.

At trial, the prosecutor will have the burden of proving the identification of the defendant as the perpetrator of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. The jury would be instructed that identification evidence is an expression of belief by the witness(es) – its strength depending on the opportunity the witness had to observe the offender at the time of the offense and to make a reliable identification.

At the criminal trial, the Judge would further instruct the jury that, in appraising identification evidence or testimony, several things should be considered, including: whether the witness had an adequate opportunity to observe the offender; how far or close the witness was; the lighting conditions; and even if the witness’ identification of the defendant was suggestive by the police or others in any way.

Like the criminal charge of Armed Robbery, the crime of Unarmed Robbery carries a maximum penalty of up to life imprisonment in Massachusetts. Police and the District Attorney’s Offices prosecute these cases, and in particular bank robberies, very aggressively.

For that reason, an experienced criminal defense lawyer representing you in this types of cases is critical to your defense. In my several years in practice as a criminal defense attorney, I have represented persons accused of crimes relating to bank robberies, as well as the charges of Unarmed Robbery and Armed Robbery. For all persons under criminal investigation or those already charged with a criminal offense, I am available 24/7 and offer a free initial consultation. I can be reach via e-mail or directly at 617-325-9500.

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